Friday, December 21, 2007

Getting a lab password

We'll be starting the lab session right from the first Monday. You need to make sure you can log onto your account using the 192 computers, which have a higher security level. The link is here:

You may not be able to access this from off-campus. You could also try it after connecting through the UBC virtual network. Instructions for this are at:

If all else fails, get into the lab and do it yourself there before the lab begins. The instructor will assume that you have done all this and you're ready to go.


Unknown said...

Do I need to go to the lab and check to see if I can login or not. I am in LFS but I don't have the password?
Albert C

Stephen P said...

Yes, you can do this in the MacMillan building. Can't do it on-line for security reasons. Sorry about that.